Saturday 19 January 2013


People do tend to be selfish.... When we asked them for help, they ignore ... But when they want help, urrrrgggghhhhh we HAVE to do it... WTF!!!! You can do it but when we stated our reason still they said we are selfish and making faces towards us... When they don't do it it is okay...

I have a back pain, asking them for help, they said wait wait, i am just asking them to paste the pad at the pain... But suddenly wanna use my stuff, they urged me as i said i will retreat to my room coz i need to used it making faces.... FUCK!

And I still remember, i only had RM6 in my wallet left, and they don't have money simply asked for it and never said will payback... Even if you are my sibling money is still money... Yeah one time they have no more money and it is just the beginning of the month, asking me for money, it is like i am the bank to them, yeah I gave them RM400 and that was my expenses money till end of the month... Then i became broke... Somewhere at the middle of the month I noticed they received money, do they give me back the 400, HELL NO!!!!!!

I saw them buying this and that... But my wallet was empty as i gave them the money.. Do they ever think abt me? HELL NO!!!! If I go out, I usually order take away as thinking whether they ate or not... But for them, they never think like that... Wht they gave me is the leftover of what they ate... So sad right my life....

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